Use EnllighterJS with marked

markdown, gfm, javascript, nodejs

marked is one of the most popular markdown parsers written in javascript. It’s quite easy to integrate EnlighterJS within, just pass a custom highlight function as option.

Promised based highlighting#

File: markdown.js

const _marked = require('marked');
const _renderer = new _marked.Renderer();

// escape html specialchars
function escHtml(s){
    return s.replace(/&/g, '&')
            .replace(/"/g, '"')
            .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
            .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

// EnlighterJS Codeblocks
_renderer.code = function(code, lang){
    return `<pre data-enlighter-language="${lang}">${escHtml(code)}</pre>`;

const _options = {
    // gfm style line breaks
    breaks: true,

    // custom renderer
    renderer: _renderer

// promise proxy
function render(content){
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        // async rendering
        _marked(content, _options, function(e, html){
            if (e){

module.exports = {
    render: render



const _markdown = require('markdown');

// fetch markdown based content
const rawCode = getMarkdownContent(..);

// render content
const html = await _markdown.render(rawCode);