Easily Update Owncloud with PHP Scripting

update your owncloud installation with only one command

Owncloud# You like owncloud ? But updating realy sucks..there ist no automatic update function and typing 10 lines into your shell takes to much time. So here is the simple. 1 command solution! Usage# Just execute the following command via ssh (you get the packeage url directly from owncloud.com): Syntax: owncloud_update.php <package_url.tar.bz2> Example:php owncloud_update.php http://download.owncloud.org/releases/owncloud-4.0.4.tar.bz2 […]

Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet – Broken Power Button [UPDATE]

pcb assembly failure, low reflow temperature

Death Android Tablet..# Today, on my way home, i would like to read some stuff on my Lenovo Thinpad Tablet 32GB – but.. i can’t turn it on. The power-button/switch doesn’t gave any haptical feedback. So what’s going on ? I very like the robustness of the tablet and of course..it costs around 600€ half […]